July/Aug 2014 Newsletter

A Sincere Thanks to SB 310 Opponents

On June 13, Ohio became the only state in the nation to roll back a clean energy law. The majority in the Ohio House and Senate and Gov. Kasich stood with big utility lobbyists over Ohio citizens when they signed into law Senate Bill 310. Read more…

Meat-Free Monday

Northeast Ohio Sierra Club is organizing something exciting and new… The Meat-Free Monday Campaign!! Read more…

Sierra Club’s Water Alert Reporting Network (WARN) Reports First Incident in North Olmsted: SSOs, CSOs, and Community Response

Reddish brown plume and scum in water draining under the north side of the West Channel Pond Trail
Reddish brown plume and scum in water draining under the north side of the West Channel Pond Trail

On the evening of Monday, May 12th, an intense storm dropped more than two inches of rain in North Olmsted, Ohio on ground which was already saturated from previous rainfall. Flooding affected many of the city’s homes, businesses, parking lots and streets, and local news outlets featured photos of partially submerged cars and pick-up trucks at Great Northern Shopping Mall the next day. The Rocky River Valley was flooded badly, too. If you are interested in more ways to get involved through hands-on training or volunteering, opportunities are available through the Ohio Chapter’s Clean Water Campaign page. Read more…

Upcoming Events

GardenWalk Cleveland
Saturday, July 12 & Sunday, July 13

GardenWalk Cleveland is a free, self-guided tour of gardens, urban farms, vineyards and orchards in several neighborhoods of Cleveland, Ohio.  Tour each of the designated neighborhoods at your own pace.  Each neighborhood on the Walk has a headquarters where you’ll find car parking, bike parking, restrooms, water and maps.

For complete information, please visit gardenwalkcleveland.org.

(Sierra Club is not affiliated with this event.)

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Gay Games Rowing Regatta
Sunday, August 10, 8 AM – 4 PM
Cleveland Metroparks Rivergate Park
1785 Merwin Ave. Cleveland

Join us at the NEO Sierra Club table and cheer on the rowers!

The Gay Games Rowing Regatta will be hosted by the Cleveland Rowing Club on their famous rowing course on the Cuyahoga River in downtown Cleveland. The race will be a 3,200 meters (2 miles) head race, consisting of several challenging turns under six bridges. The course runs through varied areas of Cleveland, from industrial to parkland to downtown Cleveland. The finish line will be located on the CRF Property so that spectators will be able to view the finish.

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Explore Maine’s Allagash Wilderness Waterway
September 2 – 6

Join us for a five day trip down the Allagash Wilderness Waterway in Northern Maine.  We’ll start at Churchill Dam on September 2, paddling down the pristine Allagash River and along a few lakes longer than wide to the junction with the St. James River.

The early autumn season in the Maine North Woods is typically characterized by mild temperatures, blue skies and few insects.  A side trip is possible to Acadia National Park.  Previous canoeing or camping experience would be a plus.

For more information call one of the trip co-organizers:  Dennis Michael Plank at 216-939-8229 or John Holian at 440-777-7903.


Executive Committee meetings begin immediately after the 7 p.m. Conservation Committee meeting. Meetings will be held at Lakewood Library Main Branch on 15425 Detroit Rd on the following dates: July 2 & August 6

The Coal & Energy Committee meets at 4105 Stilmore Rd, South Euclid, Ohio 44121. Please contact Randy Cunningham at (216) 631-3337 for the time and date of the next meeting.

The Green Transportation Committee meets the first Monday of each month at 1 p.m. in the Linking Employment Abilities and Potential offices at 2545 Lorain Ave. Please contact Akshai Singh for more information. State Transportation calls are on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Contact Akshai to get on a call or to connect with Ohio cycling advocacy.

The Rainforest Committee typically meets every month on the third Sunday of the month. Call Michael Melampy at (440) 826-2263 for time and place.

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