Rainforest Committee

Guardians of Green: Protecting Our Planet's Lungs

Welcome to the Rainforest Committee of the Sierra Club! Our dedicated group of volunteers and environmental advocates is committed to preserving the vital ecosystems found within the world’s rainforests. These lush and vibrant landscapes are not only home to an incredible diversity of species but also play a crucial role in regulating the global climate and providing essential resources. Join us as we work together to protect these irreplaceable treasures, advocate for sustainable practices, and raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity and conservation.

The Rainforest Committee of the Northeast Ohio Sierra Club

The world’s tropical rainforests are the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. Threats to their continued existence result primarily from forces originating in United States and other nations of the Global North. Therefore, it is appropriate for the NEO Sierra Club to have a committee that is focused on understanding how we can contribute to rainforest conservation.

The Committee does this through educational events held in the Cleveland area and through direct support of people in tropical countries who are engaged in rainforest conservation. Our educational events usually involve presentations from Committee members concerning experiences that they have had in visiting tropical rainforest countries or concerning domestic issues that may affect rainforest conservation.

We have also sponsored presentations by visitors from rainforest countries, particularly from Ecuador. The Committee has a longstanding relationship with DECOIN, a grassroots environmental organization in northern Ecuador that is
fighting to protect that region from the destructive impact of industrial scale mining.

Our meetings usually occur about four times a year and notifications of issues related to rainforest conservation are done via email. 

Poison dart frog from Peru

How You Can Help

The Rainforest Committee meets Dec. 3 2024, 7:30 PM  at the Garfield Hts. Library.  Michael will be speaking about his recent trip to Madagascar and  will provide an update on Equador.
An article from Carlos Zorrilla about jaguars and bears caught on camera traps in the Junin Community Reserve of Ecuador is linked here

For more information about the Rainforest Committee, contact:
Michael Melampy at mmelampy@bw.edu or 440-263-6483.

Committee Chair

Committee Meetings

Meetings occur four times/year; contact the Committee Chair for more info.

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