Political Committee
Electing Leaders for a Just and Sustainable Future
The Sierra Club Political Committee is dedicated to safeguarding our environment through non-partisan grassroots action. By endorsing and supporting candidates committed to environmental protection, equity, and justice, we strive to influence decision-makers and empower our community to participate in the political process for a sustainable future.
The Political Committee of the Northeast Ohio Sierra Club
The Sierra Club Political Committee seeks to preserve the environment through grassroots political action. The Sierra Club political program is not aligned with any political party. The principal goals of the program are:
- To elect candidates who will support and promote environmental protection and who share our core values of equity, justice, and inclusion;
- To raise public awareness about environmental issues and elevate the priority of these issues for Decision-makers;
- To encourage Sierra Club members and other environmentalists to participate in the political Process;
- To advance the Sierra Club’s environmental, conservation, and justice agenda by electing legislators and other elected officials who will champion our issues;
- To build relationships with these leaders so that they may become better champions for our policy priorities;
- To strengthen the Sierra Club’s capacity to elect pro-environment candidates at every level of government.

The Sierra Club endorsement is highly prized by candidates. Endorsement decisions are based primarily on three major criteria:
- The candidate’s overall record and platform, as measure by their history of public service, public statements and responses to Sierra Club interviews and questionnaires, and other factors;
- The candidate’s performance on environmental, racial equity, justice, and inclusion issues as an incumbent;
- The candidate’s prospect of winning the election or at least mounting a credible campaign.
Politics is an art, not a science, and the application of these criteria depends on specific circumstances.
Ready to Get Involved?
Committee Chair
- Charles Mitch
- cmitch3210@gmail.com
Committee Meetings
- Zoom
- Monthly - Fourth Thursday, 7pm
- zoom call
- cmitch3210@@gmail.com
We will meet monthly online on the fourth Thursday. All are welcome. Contact Charles Mitch for more information.
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