Tag: renewable energy

Ohio Statehouse (courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)

How one unknown provision could destroy Ohio’s clean energy industry

Tom Knox at Columbus Business First just outlined a little-known but incredibly significant part of SB 310 that will have wide-ranging implications for the future of Ohio’s clean energy industry. Without question, this clause injects so much uncertainty and chaos into Ohio’s burgeoning renewable energy industry that they may effectively strangle it in its crib.

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Fracking Series

NEO Sierra Club presents a series on fracking awareness in collaboration with West Shore FACT (Faith Communities Together for Frack Awareness). The series of speakers and films is to be held at the West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd, Rock River, Ohio 44116. Please join us for one or more of the following events, all of which are open to the public and free (though donations are greatly appreciated).

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