Opportunity Knocks

There are many opportunities to volunteer with the Northeast Ohio Sierra Club and right now our Executive Committee has an opening. If you are interested, the best way to get involved is to come to the next meeting. The NEOSC ExCom meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Lakewood Library on Detroit Ave. at 7 PM, so the next meeting will be July 1.  All members and the public are welcome to attend, but only ExCom members may make motions and vote. The first 30 minutes is used for Conservation Committee reports.

We also lack a Fundraising and Events Committee. Again, coming to an ExCom meeting is a good way to meet us and offer your assistance. Chairing a committee does not require you to be on the ExCom or to attend the meetings; you may instead email a report of your work to keep us up to date. The Fundraising and Event Committee will work with other committees that need help organizing meetings, speakers, and our annual holiday gathering. We are currently working to bring a speaker in this fall to tell us about sailing the northwest passage and how Climate Change is affecting our planet. To get involved, email Steve McPhee at Steve.NEOSierra@gmail.com or Jessica Ferrato at jessica.ferrato@sierraclub.org.

Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) is a program for taking groups of kids on monthly outings to area parks and events. Cleveland ICO is looking for administrative help. Tasks include updating the database of leader certification requirements, filing an annual report summarizing activities and plans for the next year, communicating with leaders and the San Francisco office, and fundraising by member appeals and grant writing. To get involved email Debbi Pence-Meyenberg at debipence@yahoo.com.

There are also plenty of opportunities to help our committees and participate in our events. I will not elaborate here, but read on and check our web site and event pages for all the latest.

Steve McPhee
NEOSC Executive Committee Chair

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