May 19: FirstEnergy Shareholder Meeting (Akron, 7:30 AM)

FirstEnergy Shareholder Meeting
John S Knight Center 77 E MIll St. Akron, Ohio

In 2012, hundreds of Sierra Club members, supporters, and allies gathered outside FirstEnergy’s annual shareholder meeting to protest all the different ways the company fails working families. In response, FirstEnergy shut the shareholder meeting down in fewer than 15 minutes and moved future meetings out of the state to avoid public scrutiny.

It’s 2015, FirstEnergy’s meeting is back in Akron, and we will be too!

Join Sierra Club, along with allies from the Ohio Organizing Collaborative and others, on Tuesday May 19th, at 7:30 AM, as we gather outside of FirstEnergy’s shareholder meeting and make our opposition heard. RSVP here now to say you’ll be there!

Event Details

WHO: Sierra Club, Ohio Organizing Collaborative, and you!
WHAT: FirstEnergy’s annual shareholder meeting
WHEN: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 7:30 AM
WHERE: John S. Knight Center, 77 E Mill St, Akron, OH 44308 [Map]

Parking Map

Questions: Neil Waggoner,, 614-484-7033

Time and again, FirstEnergy has failed Ohio.

Last year, FirstEnergy financed the gutting of Ohio’s clean energy and efficiency standards. Now the company is seeking at the PUCO to increase bills to bail out old dirty coal and nuclear plants. As a new CEO takes the helm at FirstEnergy, it’s critical Sierra Club members, supporters, and the public are at this year’s shareholder meeting in force to show it’s time for the company to pursue a different path.

Join us on May 19th in Akron and help ensure FirstEnergy hears our message loud and clear.

Neil Waggoner
Beyond Coal
Sierra Club

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