Earth Fest Thanks

By Steve Gove

EarthFest tableWhat had thousands of visitors, wind, hundreds of exhibitors, wind, a huge variety of gourmet food, wind, a spinning wind turbine, carnival rides, wind, balmy weather, AND finally, our NEO group front and center?? Why, the 2014 Earthfest of course!

Many smiles and signatures on petitions made the day fly swiftly by with help from diversions like Mayor Jackson, Dick Goddard, “Jungle Bob” and his critter friends, a plethora of food trucks, and Great Lakes Brewery!

HUGE thanks to Steve M., Larry, Dave, Grace, Andi, Randy M., Ann, Jessica, Akshai, Phil, Christina, Gabriella, and Bob S. for their time, expertise, and ENTHUSIASM…. making for a truly fun and worthwhile day!

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