Blue Moon Musings

Summer always sneaks away too soon for us here on the North Coast. This time we have an extra full moon to enjoy it. This morning I was pondering the extra moon and fleeting joy of summer while zigging my bicycle through the park on my daily commute. It is a shame that so many of us are trapped in those 4-wheeled cages, engrossed in our gadgets and separated from the wonder of the park on a cool summer morning. I encourage you to join me on 2 wheels while there is still warm weather and sunshine in abundance!

This is a busy time for many of our committees and I hope you will join our efforts, come to an event, and help protect this wonderful place we call home. Read on and check out our web site to keep up on the latest.

Be sure to explore and enjoy our parks and wild lands. They always help us to revive our enthusiasm and energy so we can succeed at the last part of our Sierra Club mantra, “explore, enjoy, and protect the planet.”

Steve McPhee, NEO Sierra Club Chair

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