Jan. 3: NEO Sierra Holiday Party and Fundraiser!

Dear Family and Friends,

You are invited to the Sierra Club Annual Holiday Party! Come join us for a fun evening with food. Bring your favorite holiday dish to share! There will be a silent auction and a 50/50 raffle. You can also go on a sustainability house tour to learn about practices you can bring to your home during the spring (composting, chicken coop, solar panels, etc).

Date: January 3, 2020
Time: 7:00 – 10:00 pm

Location: 1327 Oakridge Dr., Cleveland Heights, OH 44121

This event is a fundraiser for our local Sierra Club organization, the Northeast Ohio Group. Our goal is to raise $2,000 to support our local grassroots effort to push for a just transition to renewable energy in Cleveland and beyond. The funds will support outreach events and programming to raise awareness for the Sierra Club Ready for 100 campaign, in addition to aiding in our assistance to local governments to embrace 100% renewable energy.

The cost to attend is $25. Please RSVP to the link below and bring a check (made out to Sierra Club Northeast Ohio Group) or $25 to the party. This is a fundraiser so we encourage you to embrace the season of giving.

RSVP here: https://act.sierraclub.org/events/details?formcampaignid=7013q000002BfggAAC

We would greatly appreciate your attendance!

NE Sierra Club Newsletter November

“How to Be an Urban Birder” with David Lindo, Guest Speaker
Bethany Presbyterian Church, 6415 W Clinton Ave, Cleveland, OH 44102

Saturday, November 2, 2019 from 5:00pm- 9:00pm

Join us to meet UK celebrity birder, David Lindo, author of “How to Be an Urban Birder”, the world’s first guide to the art of urban birding. David will tell you everything you need to know about how we can see our urban environments as a bird would: The buildings are cliffs and any green areas are an oasis for nesting, resting and feeding. Plan to attend this special community event for urban residents, city dwellers, citizen scientists, and dedicated birders who want to learn more about connecting to wildlife and nature in urban environments. Click HERE for more information.

David Lindo will also be presenting at the next KBC (Kirtland Bird Club) meeting.
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
November 6, 7:30-9pm


State of Nonviolence and Holiday Bazaar
North Presbyterian Church, 4515 Superior Ave, Cleveland

December 7, 3:00pm

Art BazaarThe Cleveland Nonviolence Network is presenting its annual State of Nonviolence address on Saturday, December 7 at 3 PM in the North Presbyterian Church, 4515 Superior Ave, Cleveland. NEO Sierra Club is a co-sponsor of the event. The featured speaker is Malaz Elgemiabby, an artist from Sudan who will describe how the people of Sudan deposed a repressive dictator through nonviolent means. Nonviolent conflict settlement should be of interest to all Sierra Club members as violence is often associated with the destruction of important wildlife habitats. Sudan is now a role model for conflict resolution in other parts of the developing world that harbor much of the planet’s biodiversity. Elgemiabby’s message is of direct relevance to international conservation efforts that are supported by Sierra Club.

The State of Nonviolence address will be preceded by a holiday bazaar beginning at noon in North Presbyterian. The bazaar will feature local fair trade vendors who will offer a variety of imported handicrafts suitable as gifts for the upcoming holiday seasons. Many of these vendors work directly with small scale producers in developing countries to provide employment alternatives to environmentally destructive industries such as mining, logging, and industrial agriculture. Consider spending a few dollars in support of fair trade and the environment. While you shop, you may take advantage of vegetarian and vegan food that will be available for a small fee in the church cafeteria. It promises to be a great event with great food, great shopping and a wonderful speaker. Please plan to attend!!


Defining the Green New Deal – Part One, the Climate Crisis – Tuesday, November 5, 2019, 7pm, West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd, Rocky River 44116. WSFACT presents the “First Tuesday of the Month Speaker Series on the Green New Deal”. Part One looks in depth at the science that sounded the alarm on our crisis. Hear the history of Climate Science you probably haven’t heard. Find out where we are now with our climate and how you can help in this emergency. Free and
Open to the public. More information at: https://www.facebook.com/events/912384129133513/?ti=icl.

Doan Brook Watershed Annual Meeting – November 13, 2019, 5:30 pm, program begins at 6:15pm, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval, University Circle, Cleveland 44106. Share in the accomplishments of our year. Our featured guest speaker, Darryl Haddock, will share how residents of Proctor Creek in Atlanta worked to overcome environmental justice issues to advocate for less flooding and more desirable stormwater solutions. Their work has resulted in new  parks, a neighborhood water watch program, a new green infrastructure plan, job opportunities, peer-to-peer exchanges and more.

Fall 2019 Sierra Club Oct. 4-6: Ohio Chapter Retreat at Mohican Sailing Club

Register here…

Over the weekend of October 4 – 6, you can join the Sierra Club Ohio Chapter on an outing to the Mohican Sailing Club:

2187 Mifflin Township Road 1265, Lucas, OH 44843
website: http://mohicansailingclub.org/

Mohican Sailing Club is located on beautiful Charles Mill Lake just off I-71 near Mansfield, OH. Help build relationships with your fellow SC members, get to know some of the state and regional leaders, and take part in a wide variety of activities throughout the weekend – all at no cost to you!

This outing will have several opportunities for you to explore the area around the Sailing Club and spend time on the water yourself. Friday night will feature a potluck and icebreakers to help you get to know the people — bring a dish to pass! Saturday will include optional sailing lessons, pontoon rides, kayaking (if you bring your own), hiking, and our Ready for 100 campaign session. Find out about the petition to put the HB6 Referendum on the ballot in Ohio to repeal it! You can sign the petition at the event. Saturday also features a lunch cookout sponsored by the Northeast Ohio regional chapter! Sunday will feature additional sailing lessons and chances to get on the water, and a closing lunch.

Communal space to sleep is available for free at the sailing club (indoors in the ballroom — bring a sleeping bag and cot/mat), but neighboring campsites or cabins are also available at your expense (https://charlesmillpark.mwcd.org/ , https://pleasanthillpark.mwcd.org/, http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/mohican). Unsponsored meals are at your own expense, but a full kitchen and grills are located on site (and regional leaders can contact organizers about sponsoring meals). Space may be limited – sign up now!

This event is free! However, donations are encouraged to raise funds for Ohio Chapter and Mohican Sailing Club. Please donate to Ohio Chapter and to Mohican Sailing Club for whatever you feel comfortable contributing. The Mohican Sailing Club has graciously allowed Ohio Chapter to use their facilities, so let’s give them a token of our appreciation.

Register here…

NE Sierra Club September Newsletter

    National Geographic reveals critical information about our food supply!

America’s agricultural landscape is now 48 times more toxic to honeybees, and likely other insects, than it was 25 years ago, almost entirely due to widespread use of so-called neonicotinoid pesticides,according to a new study published in the journal PLOS One.

“This enormous rise in toxicity matches the sharp declines in bees, butterflies, and other pollinators aswell as birds, says scientist Kendra Klein, PhD.“This is the second Silent Spring.”

Nearly all of neonic use in the U.S. is for coating food seeds and some plants from garden centers.

According to the article, not only do bees, butterflies, and other insects pollinate one-third of all foodcrops, declining insect numbers can also have catastrophic ecological repercussions. Harvard entomologist E.O. Wilson has said that without insects the rest of life, including humanity, “would mostly disappear from the land.”

There is another way! Regenerative farming uses cover crops, no-till and other methods to increase onfarm biodiversity and soil health. The regenerative operations don’t have to worry about insect problems,said co-author Jonathan Lundgren, PhD, an agroecologist and Director of the ECDYSIS Foundation.

Purchase food from local farmers and let gardening centers know that you won’t purchase their plants ifthey’ve been coated with neonics!

Laurel Hopwood, NEO Agriculture Chair

For more information:


Global Climate Strikes

On September 20th, youth around the world are organizing Global Climate Strikes to demand the boldaction we need.The climate crisis is here and it’s urgent.

Now, students and youth are taking things into their own hands– and are looking for everyone, regardless of age, to get involved.

The Sierra Club has endorsed this fully youth-led mobilization. Young people from all over the world are collaborating in dozens of countries and hundreds of cities. It’s shaping up to become the biggestinternational day of climate action IN HISTORY.

It’s time for bold, ambitious action at the scale that science and justice demand. We have to grow ourmovement big enough to leave our elected officials no choice but to listen to us (instead of the political donations they get from big oil and gas corporations…) and to do what’s necessary to protect our climate.

Find the Climate Strike nearest you: Public Square or Youngstown


 Stop SB 33

SB 33 is an Ohio bill modeled after similar laws around the country. It is part of an organized effort,supported by fossil fuel companies, to stifle non-violent protests against their policies. It is designed tointimidate protesters, significantly increasing criminal penalties against non-violent protesters, andallowing huge fines against organizations that are deemed to have helped these protesters. The bill haspassed in the Ohio Senate, and is now up for a vote in the Ohio House.

Please sign on to the on-line petition and to the letter to Governor DeWine opposing the bill.

The link for the on-line petition is:


The link for the letter to Governor DeWine is:



NEO Sierra Club Monthly Meeting – Wednesday, September 4, 2019, 6:30 pm, Brook Park library, 6155 Engle Rd, Brook Park 44142. Open to the public.

Freedom Demands Action: Stop SB33 – Thursday, September 19, 2019, 9 am – 3pm, Sheraton Hotel, 75 East State Street, Columbus.

Educate a Legislator Day. Meet with legislatorsto urge them to vote no on ALEC Bill SB33. This bill changes certain peaceful demonstrationsfrom misdemeanors to felonies with long prison sentences and high fines.

Here is the link for registration. https://forms.gle/9MndaymopD7ELipH6

Randy Cunningham will help to co-ordinate rides from Cleveland. Please contact Randy at 216-245-1073 and/or randino49@gmail.com

July 2: Join us in Berea for the Green New Deal Forum

Green New Deal

You are invited to a forum :
The Green New Deal: Addressing Climate Chaos
(with Millions of New Jobs in the Process)

This forum is an opportunity to learn about the background and key components of a Green New Deal and to share thoughts about its importance. This proposal has captured the imagination of thousands of young people across the country who are insisting climate change be a key focus of the 2020 elections.

Hosted by the Berea group of the Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus and the Northeast Ohio Coalition for a Green New Deal.

WHEN: Tues, July 2, 2019 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm

WHERE: Cuyahoga County Public Library, Berea Branch, 7 Berea Commons, Berea 44017, Large Meeting Room. There is plenty of parking in front of the library. Walk into the front door and make an immediate right turn.

CONTACT: Email · (440) 263 3256

Feel free to just drop by, the public is welcome. Please invite a guest.

Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus website: http://www.cuycpc.org


May 28, 2019: Support the Plastic Bag Ban

Shopping bag made out of recycled Hessian sack with forming over white backgroundThe environmental committee of the Cuyahoga County Council recently passed a ban on single-use plastic bags in county retail stores.  The proposed ban will go before the entire county  council for a vote on May 28 at 5 PM in council chambers located on the fourth floor of the county office building on the corner of E. 9th and Prospect downtown.  Please plan to attend the meeting to express your support for the ban as it represents a significant step towards reducing plastic waste and pollution in the county.  A strong Sierra Club presence at the meeting will ensure a positive outcome for the environment and the people of Cuyahoga County.

May 4: “Active Nonviolence at Work” – Talk with Michael Bibler

Civil rightsThis is an opportunity to hear Michael Bibler, who worked on voting rights in the 60’s, a topic relevant to today’s struggle over voter suppression and the loss of congressional representation favorable to environmental protection.

SATURDAY May 4, 2019
4 – 8PM
North Presbyterian Church
4515 Superior Avenue
Cleveland, OH

4PM – Meet and Greet
5PM – Interview with Michael
6PM – Light Supper

Join us. Talk with Michael about his work promoting voting rights, school integration, open housing, in Alabama and Mississippi from 1965 – 68. He was field staff for SCLC and worked with some of the original Freedom Riders.

Presented by Cleveland Nonviolence Network

May 8: Inaugural Meeting of the Geauga Plastic Coalition

Chagrin River

Join us for the inaugural meeting of this group May 8 from 7-8:30 p.m. at the Geauga West Library, 13455 Chillicothe Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026.

Support local efforts to address the plastic bag pollution problem impacting land and waterways! For more information, contact Kevin Peterca at hickpryman@gmail.com.

Learn about the Campaign to Protect Cleveland Residents from Lead Poisoning

Lead paint removal

At 5pm this Friday, March 15, Northeast Ohio Sierra Club is hosting Yvonka Hall, community activist and co-founder of Cleveland Lead Safe Network, to speak about the history of lead poisoning and lead advocacy in Cleveland, the current campaign, and how you can help.  There will be light refreshments and an opportunity to sign the petition to get the Lead Initiative on the November ballot.  Around 7pm, a representative from the Cleveland Lead Advocates for Safe Housing (CLASH) will provide a brief training on canvassing and have petition books available for anyone interested in collecting signatures.  Join us to learn about the Lead Initiative and get involved!

Friday March 15, 5-8pm
Lakeview Room, 4th floor of the Fairhill Partners Building
12200 Fairhill Rd, Cleveland, 44120