Join us for the People’s Justice & Peace Convention
July 15-17 / Cleveland, Ohio
Open to the public. Free (donations accepted). Registration required.
Register at
Detailed information at
If you are tired of traditional political conventions and want an alternative means of voicing your concerns about social and environmental justice, then consider supporting the People’s Justice and Peace Convention to be held July 15-17 at the Olivet Institutional Baptist Church and the Masonic Auditorium, both in Cleveland. Many local, state and national peace, labor, environmental, and justice groups are the sponsors of this event including NEO Sierra Club and National Sierra Club.
Current public policies disproportionately benefit corporations and the wealthiest individuals and promote and expand U.S. militarism, while the concerns of the vast majority of people are ignored, distorted and/or manipulated for political and/or economic gain. The People’s Convention will include a diversity of voices and experiences, transcending any one political party or perspective. Its purpose is to lift up issues and problems that the Republican National Convention (RNC) will not authentically address and to develop collectively agreed-to solutions, a “People’s Justice & Peace Platform,” that will achieve just, nonviolent, democratic and sustainable results.
The convention will feature the following:
Speakers • Workshops • Edutainment • Participatory development of “People’s Justice & Peace Platform” to be presented to both the RNC and Democratic National Convention (DNC)
The Speakers will be:
- Michael Eric Dyson, Academic, Author, Radio Host and Professor – Friday, July, 15, 2016, 7 pm
- Connie Burton, Poor People’s Advocate – Saturday, July 16, 2016, 1 pm
- Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Hip Hop Caucus President and CEO – Saturday, July 16, 2016, 1:30 pm
- Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Code Pink – Sunday, July, 17, 2016, time TBA
Workshops and Plank development in 5 areas:
- Racial and Social justice
- Economic Justice
- Environmental justice
- Political justice
- International justice
Funding is needed to defray convention expenses. Even if you cannot attend but want to be supportive, you can make a tax-deductible contribution by sending a check to the following address:
St. Paul’s Community Outreach (note People’s Convention in the memo line)
PO BOX 14418, Cleveland, OH 44114-0418
Any amount is greatly appreciated.
End Poverty Now: March for Economic Justice on July 18th
The march will demand that the Republican convention address the problems of poverty and social and economic injustice in our society. It is backed by a coalition of social justice, homeless, labor and environmental organizations. The march will begin with a rally at the corner of E. 45th Street and Superior in Cleveland at 2 pm. The march will begin at 3 pm and conclude with a wrap up rally at Perk Park on E. 12th Street at 4 pm. For more information, go to or