Cleveland State University
Rhodes West, 2nd floor, Room 202
RSVP to Nikki Snider
8:30 am Registration and Continental breakfast
9:00 Greeting
Committee sign-up sheets
Review folders
9:15 Committee updates
Water – Jessica Ferrato, Fran Mench
Energy – Randy Cunningham
Fracking – Anne Caruso
Rainforest – Michael Melampy
Agriculture – Laurel Hopwood
Urban Agriculture – Randal Moyer
Communications – Randal Moyer
Transportation – Akshai Singh
Conservation, Outings – Dennis Plank
Executive, Fundraising – Steve McPhee
10:15 15 Minute Break
10:30 Cleveland Agriculture
Randall Moyer – Urban Agriculture Committee
Randall (Randy) Moyer has been serving on the executive committees of the Northeast Ohio Group and Ohio Chapter as the Northeast Ohio representative.
11:00 Committee Breakouts
Agriculture – We all are what we eat. Help NEO Sierra Club encourage a healthy lifestyle and healthy planet. Help plan for continuing the Meatless Monday campaign, assisting community gardens, protecting pollinators, and limiting harmful runoff.
Transportation – This is the year of Clean Transportation in Cleveland. Help the transportation committee do our part to encourage better transportation options in Northeast Ohio.
Events and Fundraising – Help us plan and conduct our fun and engaging events. Tabling at Earth Fest, Parade The Circle. Membership gatherings like pub nights, speaker presentations, and the annual holiday party. Fundraisers can be for a specific need or the group in general. There are plenty of possibilities to discuss.
11:45 Breakout Reports
Agriculture and Human Health – Laurel Hopwood
Urban Agriculture – Randal Moyer
Transportation – Akshai Singh
Events – Nikki Snyder
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Ohio Sierra Club Clean Water Campaign and Chapter efforts in Northeast Ohio
Jessica Ferrato – Conservation Program Coordinator – Clean Water Campaign; Lake Erie, Northern Ohio
Growing up along the Cuyahoga River and the industrialized shores of Lake Erie prepared Jessica for life as a clean water activist. After earning degrees in marine and freshwater biology and environmental engineering, Jessica spent some time working and living on the east and west coasts, but has long considered the north coast of her native Northeast Ohio home. Her past work includes consulting for power companies on water issues, monitoring water quality in wetlands and streams for Cleveland Metroparks, and observing commercial fishing activities in the Bering Sea. As an active volunteer member of Northeast Ohio Sierra Club and a sailing, kayaking and paddleboarding enthusiast, Jessica brings a passion for protecting Lake Erie to her work with the Ohio Chapter.
1:45 15 Minute Break
2:00 Committee Breakouts
Water – Get your feet wet to protect one of the essential ingredients for life on our planet. Northeast Ohio is lucky to have 20% or the world’s surface fresh water in our watershed. Help NEO Sierra play a role in protecting it.
Energy, Fracking – Share your energy, knowledge, and ideas to help set the goals and strategy for a Northeast Ohio energy makeover.
Membership and Communication – Keep our members engaged and informed. Share ideas to build our ranks, inform the public, and attract the media to our actions and events. So much of our effectiveness depends on getting the word out and engaging others.
2:45 Breakout Reports
Water – Fran Mench
Energy – Randy Cunningham
Fracking – Anne Caruso
Membership and Communication – Danny Poslet and Randal Moyer