Hearing Thursday, Jan 22: Express Concern RE Ashtabula Energy Wastewater

Ashtabula Energy is planning on building a $200 million plant to convert natural gas to diesel fuel and other products in Ashtabula Township. The corporation has applied to the Ohio EPA to discharge treated wastewater, up to 1.6 million gallons per day, into Lake Erie.

Public Hearing Information:

Date: Thursday, January 22
Time: 6 PM

Location: Kent State University’s Ashtabula campus, 3300 Lake Road West

More info

The discharge water would consist of non-contact cooling water, water treatment plant residuals, sanitary wastewater, and process waste streams. The Ohio EPA has said that the discharge “may result in a change from the current water quality condition of Lake Erie.”

Lake Erie supplies drinking water to millions of Ohio residents. Please express your concern about this proposal at the hearing, via email, or by mail. How will water quality be impacted? What studies have been done to assure no effect on human health? What will the impacts be for commercial and recreational fishing? Let’s ask the Ohio EPA.

Email Comments:

Mail Comments:

Ohio EPA, Division of Surface Water
Permits Processing Unit
PO Box 1049Columbus, OH 43216-1049
