Election Season Candidate Endorsements from NEOSC
Sierra Club Northeast Ohio Group/Ohio Chapter’s endorsed candidates for the 2014 Election Season… all of these candidates are champions of the environment. Please show them your support by donating money and/or volunteering on their campaigns, and by showing up on election day. Read more…
Parks at Risk
As some of you know, Geauga County citizens are fighting a nightmare come true: an activist judge with an agenda to vastly limit the mission of conservation in our public park system. We are asking all of those interested in conservation in Ohio to help us show clear support for the conservation, preservation, and protection of our parks and natural areas. Read more…
Join our Meat-Free Monday Campaign
In light of mounting evidence that the raising of cows, pigs and chicken generates enormous amounts of greenhouse gases, we have joined the international movement: Meatless Monday. It’s simple. It calls for citizens to cut the meat, one day a week. Your help is needed! We have produced postcards for distribution… Read more…
Upcoming W.A.R.N. Training Sessions
Join Sierra Club for our Water Alert Reporting Network (W.A.R.N.) training. Learn how to identify and report incidents of pollution in our waterways. Two opportunities to learn more: Nov. 11 and 13, from 6:30-9:30 PM. Read more…
➤ Tinker’s Creek State Park Hike
November 16th, meet at 3 PM
10303 Aurora Hudson Rd, Streetsboro
Tinker’s Creek is a perfect example of how important it is to preserve Ohio’s marshes and swamps. The park covers over 300 acres, all dedicated to the local plants and animals that call it home. On the hike you will see first-hand how important clean water is and learn what you can do to help keep our watershed healthy for animals, plants and, of course, people! The hike will cover about 1.5 miles with plenty of small ponds and marshes along the way. We will meet at 3 PM in the parking lot, located at 10303 Aurora Hudson Rd, Streetsboro, OH 44241. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear sturdy shoes or hiking boots. It’s not required, but you can join this event on Facebook!
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Executive Committee meetings begin immediately after the 7 PM Conservation meeting. The next meeting is Sept. 3 at Lakewood Library Main Branch on 15425 Detroit Rd.
- Nov. 5
- No Dec. meeting
Coal & Energy Committee meets at 4105 Stilmore Rd, South Euclid, Ohio 44121.Please contact Randy Cunningham at (216) 631-3337 for the time and date of the next meeting.
Green Transportation Committee meets the first Mon. of each month at 1 PM in the Linking Employment Abilities and Potential offices at 2545 Lorain Ave. Please contact Akshai Singh for more information: akshai.singh@sierraclub.org. State Transportation calls are on the fourth Tues. of each month at 6 PM. Contact Akshai to get on a call, or to connect with Ohio cycling advocacy.
Rainforest Committee typically meets every month on the third Sunday of the month. Call Michael Melampy at 440-826-2263 for time and place.