By Anne Caruso, NEOSC Fracking Chairperson
The United Nations will be hosting a landmark Climate Summit this September 23rd in New York City. This event will bring leaders from around the world together to address the global climate crisis. Their work at this Summit will be to share solutions that are affordable, scalable, and available now in preparation for creating an international legal agreement in 2015.
In response to this Summit, over 700 groups and businesses representing Environmental, Human Rights, Labor, Faith and other groups have come together to organize the People’s Climate March on September 21st. Citizens from around the United States will participate in a peaceful march to demand meaningful action to avert disastrous climate change. This will be the largest people’s action event on climate in history.
To help change the global trajectory from extreme fossil fuel extraction to a world powered by truly clean, renewable energy we need to bring everyone together on September 21st. The March will focus on environmental justice and communities most impacted by climate change. Our future is at stake and we need thousands to show up to make an historic statement.
The march will begin at 11:30 AM on Sunday September 21 and will follow a route beginning at Columbus Circle and ending on East 11th Avenue between 34th and 38th street. The Sierra Club is organizing buses to the March from Ohio. Buses will be leaving from Yellow Springs, Columbus, and Cleveland. For more information on transportation from Cleveland to the March, go to
To change everything, it takes everyone. Get on the bus!