Creative way to help win fight against SB310

The Sierra Club and Ohio Partners for Affordable Energy is placing ads in a number of papers over the next few days across Ohio. The ad will feature how much Ohioans will pay in each utility’s service territory if SB 310 passes and calls on Ohioans to call Governor Kasich. You can read Sierra Club’s press release see what the ads will look like HERE.

On Sunday, the ad will be in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Columbus Dispatch and the Akron Beacon Journal.

If you get the Sunday paper, or plan on picking up the Sunday paper, please take a picture of yourself holding up the ad and e-mail the picture to us. If you have friends, families, or allies that are also concerned about SB 310, please have them do the same. It will be even better if you could write a personal message on the ad OR hold up a piece of paper with the ad with a personal message to Gov. Kasich or State Legislators. This will provide an excellent visual we can share and further show how concerned and opposed Ohioans are to SB 310. It will take you just two minutes and it provides us another awesome visual we can use in our efforts in the Statehouse.
