Joint Sierra Club and Aveda pub-night!
When: April 28, doors open at 5:30pm, event starts at 6
Where: Harry Buffalo, 6425 Pearl Rd., Parma Heights
This is a benefit for the Sierra Club’s Ohio Clean Water campaign, so sorry, but no free pizza and drink this time. There will be appetizers and an open bar for the $30 price. Unlimited food & drinks from 6-8. The event will feature some outrageous recycled fashions invented by Aveda and modeled by their students, staff, and friends in a fashion show like no other. Come and cheer on your favorites and show Aveda how much we appreciate their absolutely fantastic efforts. This and other events each Earth Month have raised over $100,000 annually. There will be tables for the Northeast Ohio Sierra Club, and we have also invited the Portage Trail Sierra Club. Proceeds benefit the Ohio Chapter Clean Water Campaign.
RSVP (upper right corner envelope) on Ohio Sierra Club’s site…