Sept/Oct 2014 Newsletter

Tell Your Federal House of Representatives to Suspend Bee Toxic Pesticides!

Please help by urging your HR rep to protect bees and other important pollinators by supporting H.R. 2692, the Save America’s Pollinators Act. Phone calls are more effective than emails!  Read more…

The People’s Climate March

In response to a landmark Climate Summit Sept. 23 in NYC, over 700 groups and businesses representing Environmental, Human Rights, Labor, Faith are holding the People’s Climate March on September 21st. The Sierra Club invites you to join us on buses to the March from Ohio. Read more…

Sept. 3-16 in Berea: Lectures and Exhibit on South American Mining

Rainforest Committee Sponsors Lectures on South American Mining. Learn about the environmental and social impacts of mining in the countries of Colombia and Ecuador. Also, photograph and drawing exhibit at Baldwin Wallace. Read more…

A Threat to the Mission of Conservation in the Geauga Parks is a Threat to All Preserved Parkland in NE Ohio

The Geauga County Park District added new bylaws with a poorly thought-out list of activities, including ATV use, logging and oil and gas drilling. We are asking for those interested in conservation to show clear support for the parks’ mission to Preserve, Conserve and Protect. Read more…

NEO Sierra Club’s Response to Passage of SB 310

The recently passed SB 310 freezes the clean energy and conservation standards for two years and calls for a commission to study the necessity for these standards. In order to make legislators accountable for voting for this terrible bill, the NEO Sierra Club is distributing a flier in each district where legislators voted for SB 310 explaining who voted for SB 310 and what that vote means for clean air, water, and a livable planet. Read more…


South American Mining Exhibit and Lectures

The NEO Sierra Club Rainforest Committee is co-sponsoring two lectures on the environmental and social impacts of mining in the countries of Colombia and Ecuador.

  • Cagan-Kelsey Exhibit – Sept. 3-16, 8AM – 7PM, Baldwin Wallace University Center for Innovation and Growth
  • Cagan-Kelsey Lecture – Sept. 4, noon, BW Center for Innovation and Growth
  • Kuecker Lecture – Sept. 15, 7 PM, Surrarrer Auditorium, Telfer Hall, Baldwin Wallace University

All free and open to the public.

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Point of No Return: Exploring Extinction

Murch Auditorium at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Friday, September 5, 2014; 9 am to 4 pm
$15 per person (if purchased before August 30, 2014)
Register Now

For as long as there has been life on Earth, there has been extinction. It is estimated that more than 99.9 percent of all species that ever lived are extinct. Modern biodiversity represents the sum of the survivors. Five times before in the planet’s history, mass extinction events have swept away swaths of species. Now, the rate of extinction is escalating again, evidence that a sixth mass extinction is underway.

What’s different is that this one is human-caused. Through overfishing, hunting, habitat destruction, pollution, introducing invasive species and the explosive growth of our own population, humanity has broken down ecosystems around the planet. It’s estimated that 12 to 52 percent of species within well-studied groups of organisms are threatened with extinction.

Murch Auditorium at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History
Friday, September 5, 2014; 9 am to 4 pm
$20 per person (if purchased after August 30, 2014)

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2014 Sustainable Cleveland Summit

When: Wednesday, September 17-Thursday, September 18, 8:00AM – 5:00PM
Where: Public Auditorium, 500 Lakeside Ave E , Cleveland, OH 44114
Cost: Free for volunteers!  $40 for non-volunteers

The Summit will focus on the current Year of Zero Waste and preparing for 2015, the Year of Clean Water. We will also continue to design around the City’s Climate Action Plan that was co-created by more than 50 businesses and organizations. We will design solutions for the following priority areas:

  • Leveraging sustainability assets, progress and strengths to advance business
  • Advancing the people-centered development potentials of the Vital Neighborhoods Movement
  • Leveraging renewable energy for jobs and economic transition
  • Benefiting from the quality of life of walkable cities with sustainable transportation
  • Leveraging the economic and environmental dimensions of clean water
  • Preparing for resilience and readiness in the face of climate change
  • Advancing the opportunities to turn waste into wealth

Learn more about the work of Sustainable Cleveland 2019 here:

Want to sign up to volunteer? Need more information? Contact Cathi Lehn at This is a non-NEOSC event.

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People’s Climate March

On September 21st, 2014 thousands of people from all over the country will gather in New York City to demonstrate the largest Climate Movement in the history of climate action.  Climate change is affecting us all and we must deal with it on a local level as well as a global level.  It starts with you and your community! Will you join us on September 21st to demonstrate our power for climate action? Will you join us right here in Ohio now to start building climate action in your community?

Contact the Sierra Club’s Ohio Chapter – we have buses from around the state traveling to NYC.


Executive Committee meetings begin immediately after the 7 PM Conservation meeting. The next meeting is Sept. 3 at Lakewood Library Main Branch on 15425 Detroit Rd.

Coal & Energy Committee meets at 4105 Stilmore Rd, South Euclid, Ohio 44121.Please contact Randy Cunningham at (216) 631-3337 for the time and date of the next meeting.

Green Transportation Committee meets the first Mon. of each month at 1 PM in the Linking Employment Abilities and Potential offices at 2545 Lorain Ave. Please contact Akshai Singh for more information:  State Transportation calls are on the fourth Tues. of each month at 6 PM. Contact Akshai to get on a call, or to connect with Ohio cycling advocacy.

Rainforest Committee typically meets every month on the third Sunday of the month. Call Michael Melampy at 440-826-2263 for time and place.

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