Events from CLEAN Network newsletter

Cleveland International  Film Festival – Wednesday – Thursday, April 4-15, 2018, Tower City Cinemas, Downtown Cleveland. Over 500 films shown. Some suggestions are:

 “Haze, It’s Complicated”, (4/11@7:50pm, 4/12@11:30am, 4/13@9:20am)The deforestation is generally accompanied by burning to remove slash. Consequently, peat soils are ignited, producing smoldering fires that are difficult to extinguish and release carbon dioxide and particulates (haze) into the atmosphere.

“Dark Money”, (4/13@5:30pm, 4/15@11:40am) a documentary profiling a number of Montana politicians and journalists who are battling to maintain a fair democracy in their state. If they are successful at reforming campaign finance, they could set an example for the rest of the country. See Montana’s brave mission to fight the powers that be in DARK MONEY  hidden money in our political system based on the book by the same name.  Ticket prices for films are $14 per film for CIFF members and $16 for non-members. Use code: SIERRA to get $2 off each ticket. Schedule and tickets are at

The Future of Clean Energy  – Monday, April 9, 2018, 7 pm – 9 pm, Great Lakes Brewing Company, 2516 Market Ave, Cleveland 44113.  Join Green Energy Ohio for a conversation about the future of clean energy.

Cleveland Divestment Project Meeting – Monday, April 9, 2018, 5:00 Webinar, 6:30 Dinner, 7:00 Meeting. 3406 Clinton Ave Cleveland 44113. For information or to RSVP, contact 216 631-3337. If you will be dining with us, please RSVP so we can estimate the number of participants.

Go Solar Eastside Co-op Meeting – Wednesday April 11, 2018,  6:30-8:30pm, the Shaker Heights Public Library, 16500 Van Aiken Blvd, Meeting Room F. The county has a program to help residents go solar. Come find out what it is.

Go Solar Westside Co-op Meeting – Thursday, April 12, 2018, 6:30-8:30pm, the Fairview Park Library, 21255 Lorain Avenue, Meeting Room B. The county has a program to help residents go solar. Come find out what it is.

Clark-Fulton Workshop on Health, Community, and Climate Action – Saturday  April 14, 2018, 10:30am – 12:30pm, 3545 Fulton Road, Cleveland. Cut of Cleveland, IOBY, and Neighborhood Progress sponsor these citywide meetings on improving our Health, Quality of Life and Environmental impact.

Rust Belt Riders Monthly Compost Workshop: Compost 101 –  Saturday, April 14 ,2018, 1 pm – 2 pm, 5401 Hamilton Ave, Cleveland 44114. This series is designed to create awareness about food waste while also providing a practical and alternative to landfills for all your household food waste. All workshops will be held the Second Saturday of each month and last one hour. Workshops are free to our C.S.C. Members and $10 to the public. Interested in becoming a member of our C.S.C.? Learn about the perks and the membership level that works best for you here:

  • May – Introduction to Soil Food Web
  • June – Uses and Application of Compost
  • July – Compost 101
  • August – Introduction to Complex Systems
  • September – Ecological Gardening Methods
  • October – Composting 101
  • November – Microbiology and Soil
  • December – How to Make Hot Compost

March for Science – Sunday, April 15, 2018, 10 am – 1pm, Public Square, Downtown Cleveland.

Wayne National Forest Resource Management Plan Revision Meeting – Wednesday, April 18, 2018,  6:30 pm- 8:30 pm, 22 S Trine St, Canal Winchester 43110-1230. This is an important opportunity for public input into proposed use of our national forest for unconventional  fracking. The US Forestry Service will determine the future of the Wayne. Let them know the longterm impacts of fracking on the air, water, land and climate are unacceptable.

Cleveland Divestment Project Environmental Speed Dating – Thursday, April 19, 2018, 7 pm, Hofbrauhaus, 1550 Chester Ave, Cleveland 44114. Seven issues in thirty minutes.  Issues:

  • The Eastside Dump
  • Ready for 100
  • Transportation
  • Divestment
  • Plastic Bags
  • Garden Valley Solar Project
  • Wayne Forest

Race, Food and Justice Conference  – Thursday and Friday, April 19 – 20, 2018, 5 pm, CWRU campus (multiple locations), Cleveland 44106.  Analyzing the Urban Food Movement through a Social Justice Lens. Featured speakers Allyson Carpenter, Keymah Durden,III, Malik Yakini and Dr. Monica White. Sponsored by Environmental Health Watch and the Social Justice Institute at CWRU.Free and open to the public. For information and tickets go to:

Or call 216.961.4646;Ext 104 for information.

Garden to Table and More – Saturday, April 21, 2018, 9 am – 3 pm, Happy Day Lodge, 500 Route 303, Peninsula. This is the Cuyahoga County Master Gardeners Spring Seminar. $45 for a Continental Breakfast, lunch, and 5 great topics and speakers. More information and registration is at

Doan Brook Watershed Stream Cleanup – Saturday, April 21, 2018, 1pm – 3 pm, Rockefeller Park Lagoon, Cleveland. Gloves, bags, snacks and coffee supplied. Help cleanup a winter’s worth of litter from the lagoon and surrounding parklands.

Doan Brook Earth Day Stream Sweep – Sunday, April 22, 2018, 1pm – 3pm, Fairhill Road and East 127th,  Cleveland. Gloves, bags, snacks and coffee supplied. Help cleanup a winter’s worth of litter from the lagoon and surrounding parklands.

Gubernatorial Candidate Forum with a Focus on Sustainability and the Environment – Saturday, May 5, 2018, 1 – 3 pm, (lunch at Noon), North Olmsted Library, 27403 Lorain Ave, North Olmsted 44070. This is the FaCT Statewide Meeting. Everyone’s invited to lunch and the meeting. Please rsvp for lunch to This forum is co-sponsored by NEO Sierra Club, CLEAN, Power of Wind, and Cleveland Divestment Project.

Comment on the EPA’s proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan – Now until April 26, 2018. The EPA has extended its period for taking public comments on the repeal of the Clean Power Plan. All written statements and supporting information submitted during the public comment period will be considered with the same weight as oral comments and supporting information presented at the public hearing.  If you would like to comment on this proposed action, please submit your written comments online, by email, by mail, or by fax. Information about how to comment is available on EPA’s web site at The comment period is open through April 26, 2018.

Urgent Support Needed for the Cuyahoga County  Single Use Bag Legislation – now until the vote. LWVGC supports this proposal, based upon our LWVO position that “solid waste, from generation to ultimate disposal, must be purposefully and systematically controlled by all levels of government in order to protect the environment by strengthening, expanding and enforcing solid waste laws.” We also support “the financing of solid waste remedies by utilizing user fees.”  Many of our members have already switched over to cloth shopping bags. We urge everyone to contact Council members (email addresses below) to offer your individual support, using your own thoughts as to why county shoppers should get used to taking their own bags along to the store!  These plastic bags are a costly environmental plague in Lake Erie waters as well as along roadsides and open spaces everywhere.

COUNCIL MEMBERS, with district # and approximate location:

1: Nan Baker (west suburbs)

2: Dale Miller (co-sponsor)  (west inner ring)

3: Dan Brady (Cleve. west side)

4: Scott Tuma (Parma area)

5: Michael Gallagher (southwest suburbs)

6: Jack Schron (east & south suburbs)

7: Yvonne Conwell (Cleve. northeast side)

8: Pernel Jones (Cleve. southeast side)

9: Shontel Brown (east-southeast inner ring)

10:Michael J. Houser (east-northeast inner ring)

11: Sunny Simon (co-sponsor) (northeast suburbs)

For those with questions about the details of the proposed ordinance, the text as of 11/04 can be easily found at, click on “Pending Legislation” and Ordinance O2017-0006.
